Team Asobi says that while “almost 100%” of its most-wishlisted iconic Sony characters made it into Astro Bot, it finds it “difficult to comment” why Square Enix characters were missing.
Talking to journalist Stephen Totilo, Team Asobi studio head Nicolas Doucet said that despite hoping that “maybe half” of the characters the team approached would be greenlit, most “partners just raised their hand and said, “Absolutely'”.

9 Adorable Astro Bot Gameplay Moments & Features That’ll Melt Your Heart – ASTRO BOT GAMEPLAY REVIEW

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Satirical Doom WAD Thatcher’s Techbase has returned to Bethesda’s official mod browser – now shorn of Maggie and anything else that might conceivably be deemed offensive – after initially being booted for daring to dabble in “real-world politics”.

Thatcher’s Techbase – which sees players descending to the Tenth Circle of Hell in order to thwart the return of “one of humanity’s greatest threats” – has been around for a while, originally launching in 2021. However, when Bethesda’s official community published mod support arrived for Doom in August, developer Jim Purvis opted to take advantage of it, giving console owners the chance to play the WAD for the first time.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before Bethesda stepped in, yanking Thatcher’s Techbase from its browser after telling Purvis the mod had been reported for “real-world politics”. Purvis was also instructed to “educate” himself on modding guidelines and community rules.

Thatcher’s Techbase trailer

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